Saved By Christ apparel was created to make Gospel centered conversations much easier. I want our Christian Clothing to make people confident and eager to share Jesus with new people.
As a college student on a student ministry retreat in California we were evangelizing to strangers and sharing to Gospel with strangers. I noticed many of my fellow peers were nervous or found it awkward to share The Gospel with others, but it is what we were called to do as followers of Christ. That's when I came of of the idea of creating captivating clothing centered around Jesus as Ice Breakers to start conversations about the Gospel.
We are a company devoted to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to boldly declare to the world that we are saved by Jesus Christ Alone. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." We want everyone to know that they are highly valued and that the King of Kings died for them to have eternal life. We as a company want to wear our faith and unify all around the world under the banner Jesus Christ. - Raymond Randle III